Topic outline

  • Role of Costume Designer in Theate 1.1Responsibilities of costume designer . 1.2 Visual appearances of actors. 1.3 Elements of costume design. 1.4 Aesthetic appearance of costume design

  • Study on Historical Movies. 2.1 Select any Five Movies. 2.2 Study on their costumes. 2.3 Study on related to selected movie Designer Biography.

  • Study on 21st Century Fashion Designer. 3.1 Select any three Movies. 3.2 Study on their costumes. 3.3 Study on related to selected movie Designer Biography.

  • Study on any one Miss Universe Costume style. 4.1 Study on their wardrobe . 4.2 Study on their Films & costumes . 4.3 Study on their Achievements . 4.4 Study on their Biography .